
This is thought corner of Threewaves. We write blogs and articles monthly for benefit of our users.
March 4, 2021

Old Age and Mental Health

 While pondering over how to introduce my topic, I came across these lines: “The whole concept of ‘settling down’ is misleading. We think we will settle down after finishing our studies(seriously?)may be after marriage(nope), then… Continue Reading

February 19, 2021

Fight or Flight (Exam Stress)

 I got a call yesterday from an anxious sounding parent saying, “ Tomorrow is my son’s twelfth pre- board exam but he doesn’t want to go to school. He says he can’t remember anything. He… Continue Reading

February 16, 2021

Stress the Basic Guide

Stress, Depression, Mental health... are widely spoken these days. The awareness regarding mental health has increased many folds lately, and especially during the pandemic, everybody is talking about it. Indeed, it's a good sign to… Continue Reading

February 14, 2021


“The only thing more exhausting than being depressed is pretending that you’re not.”- Anonymous Very often we get to hear people say, “I am under depression”, “My child is depressed”, “So and so is depressed”,… Continue Reading

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