Let’s ride the waves of Life with Joy

Life is like riding the waves in a sail boat- sometimes we get to steer and choose our course, sometimes there is balance and sometimes there are ripples…when these ripples hit us we all are capable of taking control of it, but at times we may need small support. Taking support is not a sign of weakness. it takes lot to take this step. We are here to provide that support and assist in getting your balance and steer smoothly in all your endeavours.

About Founders Services

Get started with fulfilled journey of Life with ThreeWaves Expert Services.

ThreeWaves Philosophy

ThreWaves is run by experts from the field with three decades of experience.





Movie-Lane #2

Empathy & Support

Some Thoughts and Articles from Our Founders 

  Read these articles which help in broadening your mindset and enlighten you with some pressing issues of life .

  About ThreeWaves

Number Three and Waves both have immense significance in our lives.

Three is an auspicious number and it represents three seasons, three stages of life, time: morning, mid-day and night, three stages in a woman’s life: puberty, pregnancy and menopause. Three Waves in Career Guidance represents: self aspiration, parents’ desire and societal pressures. 

The three syllables in ‘AUM’ represents the union of the three: mind, body and soul; the past, the present and the future. It also represents the three aspects of God: Brahma(A), Vishnu(U) and Shiva(M).

The Waves are meant to wash away the negativity.The waves are also part of delicate balance of the nature, just like the forest, animals and the air we breathe.

Premium Services

Career Counselling

Premarital Counselling

Geriatric Counselling

Individual Counselling

Marriage Counselling

Legal Services


Family Counselling

Workshops, Webinars

Notable Features


 All Age Groups

We cater to all age groups – children, students, adolescents, Elders senior citizens.

Psychometric Test 

 We cater to various assessments to conduct scientific sessions. The reports and profiles are highly personalised.


We preserve private information shared while participating in counselling or support programs.

Flexible Scheduling

We are open for booking 7 days a week from 9 AM – 5 PM . You can book your appointments by reaching on our numbers.

Online – Offline 

We offer consultation via your mode of comfort. We accept zoom, google hangout and personal face to face sessions.

6 Months Support

Enroll with confidence. Our Three waves  offers timely and personal support whenever client requires.

ThreeWaves Video


Customers Love for ThreeWaves

Here’s what some of our satisfied customers have to say about working with Threewaves


We were referred to Threewaves by our Gynecologist and it has really changed . so many things (positively) in our relationship.”

 – Akansha 

“Her approach of initially doing a couple counselling followed by individual counselling then again summarizing in a couple session worked wonders.”

– Kunal Karan

“She was able to bring out the similarities and guide us on how to tackle our differences.

– Harish kumar

“Her sessions were very interactive and practical. Thank you Threewaves”

– Rashmi

“We took Threewaves help at a critical junction in our relationship and now we are happy family of 3.”

– Ashwin

“Always thankful to Threewaves for helping us out to do some much needed course correction and providing the platform to excel in our lives as a couple. “

– Sharmila
