Legal Services

There are times when the clients who come for counselling may also require opinion on various personal and professional concerns. Keeping this in mind, we have a window for legal services.

Various legal services at Threewaves

We provide only legal opinion and advice to our clients.  If the clients need professional help regarding litigation and court matters, they would be referred to reputed advocates associated with us. 

Medation Services

Mediation is a voluntary, party-centered and structured negotiation process where a neutral third party assists the parties in amicably resolving their dispute by using specialized communication and negotiation techniques.  The mediator is a mere facilitator in the process and the parties always have control over the terms of settlement.

The advantages of mediation are that the clients can avoid extensive legal battles, prolonged wait for a resolution to work towards and an outcome that they are in agreement with.

We have experienced lawyers and counsellors for the process.  Mediation services are specially for couples in marital disputes, who are looking for an amicable settlement.

Few helpful Tips

1.  Every child, woman and man in India is protected by the law.
2.  Evey individual must be aware of his/ her rights and responsibilities. 
3.  Never sign any document until you have read, understood and got a copy of it.
4.   Employers and employees both are protected by the law.
5.  Do not delay, create a will.
6.  Do not accept liability unless you have consulted your advocate.
7.  Get agreements in writing.
8.  Tenants and landlords both have rights.
9.  Change the Will, if you are heading towards a divorce.
10.  When in middle of a trouble, do not panic. Get information.
11.  1098 is the child helpline number which is toll free and accessible all over India.
12.  181 is women helpline. number for domestic abuse.
13.  1091 is helpline number for woman in distress.  Every state has government organisations and NGO’s providing free help to the distressed women.
14.  Most importantly one must exercise one’s right when the need arises.