Career Counselling

"The best way to predict the future is to create it."- Abraham Lincoln
Your future depends on the step that you take today. Self awareness about the skills, abilities, interests, aptitude, intelligence.... is crucial early in life. We guide, help and assist you in this very endeavour. Our psychometric tests, detailed study of the test report and our expert advice thereafter which is spread over several one-on-one sessions help you in making the right career decision.

Career Counselling for class 10th std students


Class 10 is a base year for every individual, and the career choices that one makes will impact the rest of his/her life. With the pressure of selecting a stream after class 10 and the pressure of performing academically well in boards, students often make incorrect career-oriented decisions. A fruitful career counselling session can help them in making a choice-based career decision, where the chances of being successful is highest.

What career counsellors are likely to do?

A career counsellor firstly, tries to understand the student’s perspective of academic and non-academic fields. What are his/her areas of interests and aptitude, his/her strengths and weaknesses, and so on?
Since career-based decision is a serious step, we believe in having psychological evidences while guiding the students. The base step is assessing a student via “Stream Selector Test”, a psychometric test, that helps students to identify their skills, based on which, a stream is chosen after class 10.

What are the benefits of the Stream Selector Test?

What we do at ThreeWaves ?

After you take the test, we have one-on-one sessions, to discuss the report and other aspects helpful in making the right decision. We do a detailed study of the report. The report is very comprehensive and easy to decipher, that includes more of pictorial representations. We study the report, and suggest you the stream which is best suited for you. Apart from this, we make special
efforts in briefing you about the stream that has matched with your interests, as per the report.
With our experience and expertise, we help you to know the details of a stream, the opportunities that await you and the scenario that may prevail 5 years down the lane. All these facts combined can put you in the right career track.

Career Counselling for class 12th std students


Class 12 is essentially the most pressurising academic year where comes the responsibility of performing well in board examinations, along with acing in multiple competitive exams.

If one of you think?

Then a career counselling from a professional academic counsellor can save you by answering the above questions and put you on the right career path.

What do career counsellors do?

A career counsellor begins with assessing you in all grounds. For a proper and correct career-based suggestion, the counsellor need to know your interests and aptitude, your personality, things that motivates you, your strengths and weaknesses, etc. The one stop solution is “Ideal Career Test”.

What exactly is Ideal Career Test?

It is a psychometric test that will assess your 4 key areas: Aptitude will let you know your strong and weak points; Motivation will tell you what all factors motivates you to perform well in any situation; Interest that will help you find the best suited path for you; and lastly, Personality, that briefs you about who you actually are

What are the benefits of the Ideal Career Test?

What we do at ThreeWaves ?

WE have one-on-one sessions to discuss the report and various other aspects helpful in making the right decision. We will do a detailed study of the report, to guide you the best. We will let you know the best career options available for you, where you can excel. Not just this, we will suggest you right colleges and universities, along with the options of the favourable city for your field of study. With years of field experience and expertise, we brief you about the job expectations for your degree and a subtle picture post few years from now.
Keeping all these facts in mind, you can make decisions and find the right career path for yourself

Career counselling for Graduates


A career counsellor with his/her experience tries to understand you, that includes your areas of interests and aptitude, your personality trait, your set of skills, etc. The right way in identifying your personal and professional traits is by attempting a psychometric test, personalised for you that can show you the right career path. The test is known as “Professional Skill Index Test”.

What do career counsellors do?

A career counsellor with his/her experience tries to understand you, that includes your areas of interests and aptitude, your personality trait, your set of skills, etc. The right way in identifying your personal and professional traits is by attempting a psychometric test, personalised for you     that can show you the right career path. The test is known as “Professional Skill Index Test”.

What is it all about and how it can benefit you?

What we do at ThreeWaves ?

After you take the test, we have one-on-one sessions to discuss the report and other aspects which may be helpful for you to make the decision. The report is very comprehensive and personalised and further, we meticulously study the report to make you aware on what areas you need to work on, and various work profiles that can provide you ample job satisfaction. Not just this, we take a step ahead to brief you about the market demand of the profile you are interested in and what will be the scenario in coming years. Our endeavour is to place you in the right path that can fetch immense opportunities for your personal growth along with financial stability.

Career Counselling for Working Professionals

Why do working professionals need career counselling?

Working professionals faces a lot of challenges in their professional lives and have to battle to suit their interest with the job they do. Career counselling becomes very important before they take any major decision in their professional lives.

Scenarios when career counselling for working professionals is needed:

In this competitive world, where working professionals are expected to be dynamic in nature, stress and anxiety is ought to seep in their lives.

How career counselling works?

Typically, a career counsellor first assesses you in terms of your aptitude, interest, available tech skills, employability skills, etc., and this is mainly done on the basis of a psychometric test.

With individual session exploring on personalities, values, morals and cultures will give an idea about the requirement on personal satisfaction level.

After assessing you, a counsellor, with his or her knowledge and expertise, could map you to the opportunities that are well available within your boundaries and interests.

Not only counselling sessions make you aware of the available opportunities within your scope but they also lay down the roadmap to reach your destination. Typically, 1-2 career counselling sessions are considered well enough to explore the path, based on your aptitude, skills, interests, personalities, etc., and make an appropriate roadmap for it.

What are the benefits the career counselling session?

Few helpful Tips

1.  You live only once.  So, make a conscientious decision.
2.  Your work life spreads across 40+ years and so an  important stage of your life.  You need to be aware of your interest, aptitude, skills, personality and  also career options available before making any career choice.
 3.  Self assessment. Be tough and honest with yourself.  
4.  Career exploration. Make list of all the career options that you know.  Do a thorough homework. 
5.  Decision Making.  Narrow down your options to 3 to 5 depending on your interest, aptitude and personality. Taking a psychometric test to know your interest, aptitude, skills and personality helps.  Assess your option with the help of parents/ friends/ career counsellors.
6.  Taking action. Plan early and work towards it. Devise short term and long term plans. Have deadlines and work towards the goals. 
7.  Dream big. There are more than 2500 career options available across the globe. 
8.  Do not decide in haste.
9.  Do not be influenced by others. Parental expectations and societal pressures are two factors which influence career path. It’s important to take their opinion but decision should solely be yours.
10.  It’s always helpful  to have multiple plans.  Have Plan A, Plan B, Plan C….
11.  All victories do not come early. So, never give up.